Career Profile

I’m a ML engineer interested in deep learning.
Currently, I’m working as a skilled industry personnel.


Seoul National Univ.

2019.03 - Current
Computer Science and Engineering
Business Administration

Work Experience

ML Engineer

2022.07 - Current
  • Developed a central content moderation system for global services of Match Group.
  • Developed an AI chatbot for dating simulation.

ML Engineer

2021.10 - 2022.07
Lion Rocket
  • Implemented deepfake system using an identity swapping engine that manipulates the face and voice of the target video. Improved pose robustness and attribute preservation by using NeRF and GAN-Control for data augmentation.
  • Implemented 3d digital human using a TTM (text-to-mesh) engine that generates talking 3d human mesh from text. Improved mesh generation accuracy by optimizing the architectures of landmark detection model and 3d reconstruction model.
  • Implemented super-resolution model for video restoration. Used a GPEN-based model and improved the resolution of the video up to 4x (from 256 to 1024).
  • Designed and implemented an integrated research environment including a new computer vision framework based on pytorch lightning. Improved training speed up to 7 times with multi-gpu training using DDP.

Backend Engineer

2021.07 - 2021.10
Smart Doctor & Nudge Healthcare
  • Redesigned the cash log table of Cashwalk (MAU 6 million) to an optimized NoSQL schema and migrated it from RDS to DynamoDB.
  • As a result, cloud infra costs were saved by an average of 9% per month.
  • Designed and implemented a survey website to evaluate the services of hospital staff, creating economic value of more than $20,000.

Extracurricular Activity

Research Assistant

2021.03 - 2021.07
SNU Applied Data Science Lab
  • Studied meta learning model for personalized diagnosis of cardiac abnormality using 12-lead ECG classification.
  • Optimized the architecture and hyperparameters of transformer-based model and improved inference accuracy by more than 20% (from 0.62829 to 0.76013).
  • Participated in the PhysioNet/CinC Challenge 2021 and achieved the highest test accuracy (70.2%) among 40 teams on the test dataset.

Research Assistant

2020.12 - 2021.03
SNU Co-design and Parallel Processing Lab
  • Studied automatic code generation of script language for service-oriented IoT platform using fine-tuned GPT-2.
  • Developed a backend server of service-oriented IoT platform (about to be commercialized).
  • Applied TensorRT to the inference pipeline and improved inference latency by more than 8 times (from 7683ms to 936ms).

Software Engineer

2020.08 - Current
Waffle Studio (SNU SW Development Club)
  • Designed and implemented SNUGH, a website that helps college students plan their courses beforehand and manage graduation requirements.
  • Participated in backend development, mobile app development and DevOps management.

Software Engineer

2020.01 - 2020.07
SPT (SNU Mobile App Development Team)
  • Designed and implemented Proudly, a mobile app developed for self-management alarm service using photo authentication.
  • Participated in mobile app development.

Software Engineer

2019.06 - 2019.12
Melting Pot (SNU Startup Club)
  • Designed and implemented Finger Call, an mobile application that helps people be on time by calculating late fees and sharing each other’s current location in real time.
  • Participated in mobile app development.

Software Engineer

2018.03 - 2019.02
KUCC (KU Computer Club)
  • Taught overall android development, clean code and clean architecture as the mentor of android seminar.
  • Succeeded in attracting small investments for group blind date matching and restaurant reservation service named Meeting Playlist.

Open Source


A promise-based Node.js ORM for DynamoDB inspired by Sequelize.


Industrial Engineer Information Processing


Machine Learning

  • Language (Python, C++)
  • Numpy & Pandas
  • Scikit-learn
  • PyTorch & PyTorch Lightning
  • TensorFlow 2.0
  • Optimization (CUDA Toolkit, TensorRT)
  • Visualization (TensorBoard, Wandb)
  • MLOps (MLFlow)


  • Language (Python, JS)
  • Django & DRF
  • Node & Express
  • ORM (Sequelize, Dynamize)
  • DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, etc)


  • Docker & Docker Compose
  • CI/CD (Github Action, Jenkins, CircleCI)
  • AWS (EC2, EB, RDS, DynamoDB, ElastiCache, S3, CloudFront, Lambda, Code Pipeline, Route53, CloudWatch, etc)
  • GCP


  • Language (Java, Kotlin)
  • Asynchronous Programming (RxJava, Coroutine)
  • Data Binding (LiveData)
  • REST Client (OKHttp, Retrofit)
  • ORM (Room)
  • DI (Koin, Dagger)
  • MVVM & Clean Architecture


  • VCS (Git, GitHub, GitLab)
  • API Docs (Swagger, Postman, Stoplight)
  • Wiki (Notion, Confluence)
  • Issue Tracking (Jira, Trello)
  • UI/UX Design (Figma, Zeplin)
  • Communicaiton (Slack, Microsoft Teams)

I’m apt at using various collaboration tools for effective communication with other developers, UI/UX designers, product managers, etc.